Years ago we were encouraged to ask your butcher if meat was no one cares! If it's such a serious sin {like fornication} why doesn't anyone ask has this duck been properly bled? Only, One anionted Sister I know washes mince under the tap to get the blood out!
Witness 007
JoinedPosts by Witness 007
Wondering why Witnesses don't ask if meat is bled anymore!!!!
by Witness 007 inyears ago we were encouraged to ask your butcher if meat was no one cares!
if it's such a serious sin {like fornication} why doesn't anyone ask has this duck been properly bled?
only, one anionted sister i know washes mince under the tap to get the blood out!
What happens when a Witness does not vote in Australia
by jwfacts ini received the following email, and gave the reply.
it think the points are important so worth being considered.. im not a jehovah, but i do have a very good friend who is ... we were both wondering what happens to jehovahs in australia if they do not vote, since in america they do not have to vote.
do you get fines?
Witness 007
Crocodile Dundee for P.M!!!!!!! Who's with me...."thats not a policy...THIS is a policy!"
or DAME EDNA she could be the next Margret Thatcher.
Do you really want to save us?
by nvrgnbk inthis is for the christians.. let's put our swords away.. try to convince those of us that have lost our faith to accept jesus christ and all that that acceptance entails.. pretend that our lives( eternal) depend on it.. that's what you believe isn't it?.
this is an opportunity to win souls for christ.. yes.
things may get heated.
Witness 007
I rang God {prayer} the other day, and got this message: "Hi this is God, I'm in my rest day at the moment but if you leave a message I'll get back to you with-in the next 1,000 year period, thanks, God bless! Can you belive that! Take my word for it, this really happened!
So I rang Jesus, but Peter answers the phone and denys 3 times that Jesus is home...I know he's lying!
I called the Devil and he invited me to a Barbeque....MMmmm nice. I can almost smell the meat cooking. He said I don't have to bring anything, just myself. Nice guy!
Experiences of bethelites from around the world
by ldrnomo init would be nice to hear from former bethelites from around the world.
there stories while they were at bethel good or bad..
Witness 007
Bethelites should have thier own we could have somewhere to test nuclear weapons!
Mixed Race Couples - WTS literature
by TheListener inhas anyone ever seen a mixed race couple shown in paradise in the wts literature?.
i haven't.
i've seen pictures of modern day mixed race couples but never ever in paradise..
Witness 007
That article was written by the KKK and is not Faithful or discreet.
What happens when a Witness does not vote in Australia
by jwfacts ini received the following email, and gave the reply.
it think the points are important so worth being considered.. im not a jehovah, but i do have a very good friend who is ... we were both wondering what happens to jehovahs in australia if they do not vote, since in america they do not have to vote.
do you get fines?
Witness 007
If you don't vote don't you get a Boomerang in the head by the Prime Minister?
Polish Apostates steal Watchtower legal corporation inc.- twice!!!!
by Witness 007 inyearbook 1994 p.180-189 "1919 {after russell died} drawing away most of the brothers for themselves, the opposers gained control of the legal corporation {bible students association inc.} ...this resulted in the loss of the meeting place of the warsaw congregation...the registration of "the bible student association group 2" was composed of brothers loyal to the society..{after 1925 failed prophecy} warsaw congregation was sharply divided...out of 300 brothers, only 30 remained loyal to the society, of 150 persons in lodz only 3 brothers and 6 sisters loyally continued to meet together...three of these opposition groups exist today...the work being done by the "faithful slave' had to start almost even "bible students association group 2" was under control of apostates.
it goes on to say, the polish government refused to register a "group 3.
" however one apostate from the first group comes back into the truth!
Witness 007
Yearbook 1994 P.234 "{1950's} " un-healthy spirit of competition developed among some. As a result many new Publishers failed to live up to the bible's requirements. An interested person was viewed as a Publisher, if he knodded when asked whether he had spoken to someone about the Kingdom..the slogan came into use, "Today interested, Tomorrow a Publisher!" Many of them were not even attending meetings. In March 1959 84,061 Publishers were reported, not even that many attended the Memorial! Corrective measures were took 29 years until 1988 before a new real peak of Publishers was reached again."
Polish Apostates steal Watchtower legal corporation inc.- twice!!!!
by Witness 007 inyearbook 1994 p.180-189 "1919 {after russell died} drawing away most of the brothers for themselves, the opposers gained control of the legal corporation {bible students association inc.} ...this resulted in the loss of the meeting place of the warsaw congregation...the registration of "the bible student association group 2" was composed of brothers loyal to the society..{after 1925 failed prophecy} warsaw congregation was sharply divided...out of 300 brothers, only 30 remained loyal to the society, of 150 persons in lodz only 3 brothers and 6 sisters loyally continued to meet together...three of these opposition groups exist today...the work being done by the "faithful slave' had to start almost even "bible students association group 2" was under control of apostates.
it goes on to say, the polish government refused to register a "group 3.
" however one apostate from the first group comes back into the truth!
Witness 007
Yearbook 1994 p.180-189 "1919 {after Russell died} drawing away most of the brothers for themselves, the opposers gained control of the legal corporation {Bible Students Association inc.} ...this resulted in the loss of the meeting place of the Warsaw Congregation...the registration of "The Bible Student Association Group 2" was composed of brothers loyal to the society..{after 1925 failed prophecy} Warsaw Congregation was sharply divided...out of 300 brothers, only 30 remained loyal to the Society, Of 150 persons in Lodz only 3 brothers and 6 Sisters loyally continued to meet together...three of these opposition groups exist today...the work being done by the "Faithful Slave' had to start almost even "Bible Students Association Group 2" was under control of Apostates."
It goes on to say, the Polish government refused to register a "Group 3." However one Apostate from the first group comes back into the truth! He handed back his legal authority to the branch servant who was able to stay registered. Lucky Polish Witnesses!
Rutherford Era Anti-Catholicism
by cabasilas infirst installment:.
in july 1940 the watchtower society published answers to a series of questions put to them by a reporter from the new york post.
these were put into a booklet entitled judge rutherford uncovers the fifth column.
Witness 007
Thanks Cabalis!!! This was published July 1940 one month after an angry mob attacked the Gilead farm with the intension of destroying it...thanks for both qoutes, the puzzle fits together nicely.
As a JW, Did You Exhibit An Attitude of Superiority???
by minimus inlooking back, did you conduct yourself in such a way that you really did feel that you were better than others?.
Witness 007
As a pioneer I thought I was a legend in my own life time...Although I was young as well. Most people though I was a "nice guy." But I liked to humiliate non-believers, who would argue with me...we even wen't Pastor bashing...looking for one we knew would argue. And dazzle them with "truth."
A couple of Pioneer sisters that I wish would die...they all had over 15 years in the field, and still back stabbing bitches.